Term 4 2025 Calendar
End of year production, school trips, reports, one last big juicy inquiry, school disco, Christmas carols, this was my best class ever, last day tears, Term 4 exhaustion.
Term 4 kits will arrive in your classroom in week 1, as long as you’ve confirmed your registration. You’ll also be granted access to a private kit page within our teacher network where you can:
Download the kit teacher guide and review key teaching ideas and themes.
Share learnings with other teachers teaching the same kit at the same time as you.
Ask questions and seek clarity on any issue or problem you might be having.
Resolve any practical issues you might be having with individual kit components.
Access prompt support from a member of our School Kit Team to ensure your teaching experience is awesome.
Term 4 Kits: Registrations now open
Self Esteem: Year 4-8.
Understand personal resilience is different for everyone. Construct our charging station. Implement the daily check in. Evidence based self-management of personal resilience.
Story Vets: Year 4-8.
Students complete ‘vet school’ and become animal specialists. They use data elimination and make a correct diagnosis to rewrite our patient’s story. Recode the stories of our animals post diagnosis.
Good Food Map: Year 4-8.
Co-create a community food map. Identify food waste solutions, locally, nationally and globally. Delve into the world of pickling. Celebrate local food hero’s and share community food memories.
Power it Up: Year 4-8.
Understand basic circuit components. Use copper tape, coin cell batteries, buzzers, and bulbs to create a series of paper circuitry artworks that reveal local stories. Counties Schools Only.
The Power Kit: Year 0-3.
Understand the concept of energy transformation. Make electric play dough. Make Rue Goldberg Machines. Key Word List, STEAM cards, Story, Poem, Waiata, Website and Spotify Playlist. Counties Schools only.
Solar Cars: Year 4-10.
Construct and modify solar powered model cards and race them to win the furthest and farthest races. Investigate concepts of forces, energy transformation, aerodynamics and electricity. Counties Region Schools only.
Sea Cleaners: Year 1-8.
Identify local waterways. Conduct a clean up. Sort, categorise and report findings to Seacleaners HQ. Create artworks that demonstrate the impact of rubbish on our oceans.
How might Term 4 kits fit?
Our kits are very flexible. They are designed to be pulled apart, reimagined and reintegrated into your existing school themes. Below is a summary of just some of our suggestions of how kits might be used.
Term 4 Kits by Year Level:
Year 0-3
The Power Kit - Counties Schools only
SVA Schools
Year 4-8
Self Esteem
Story Vets
Water Savers
Good Food Map
Power it Up - Counties Schools only
Solar Cars - Counties Schools only
Year 1-6 (Scaffolded)
SVA Schools Volunteering (Year 1+)
Water Savers (Year 3+)
Solar Cars - Counties Schools only
Dear 13 year old me
Part of something bigger
Self Esteem (Year 9)
School Kit run the SVA Service Award as a year round programme. Please get in touch if this is of interest to you.
Term 4 Kits by sample learning themes
SVA Schools Volunteering
Good Food Map
End of year hilarity.
Power it Up (Counties Schools Only)
SVA Schools Volunteering
DIY World Records
The Power Kit - Counties Schools only
Solar Cars - Counties Schools only
DIY World Records
Self management.
Dove Self Esteem
Dear 13 year old me
Part of something bigger